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#!/usr/bin/perl ### ### analog 5.30 http://www.analog.cx/ ### This program is copyright (c) Stephen R. E. Turner 1995 - 2002 except as ### stated otherwise. Distribution, usage and modification of this program is ### subject to the conditions of the Licence which you should have received ### with it. This program comes with no warranty, expressed or implied. ### Remember: Even the most carefully-designed CGI programs can accidentally ### have serious security bugs! See docs/form.html for notes on security ### design. ### ### anlgform.pl; the cgi front end for analog # 1) uncomment (remove everything before $analog) and edit one of the next two # lines to give the location (full pathname) of the analog executable. # Unix: $analog = '/usr/local/etc/httpd/analog-5.30/analog'; # Windows: $analog = 'C:\program files\analog 5.30\analog.exe'; # 2) If you're on Unix, edit the first line in this file to give the location # of Perl (don't remove the #! though). # 3) You also need to edit anlgform.html if you want to use the form. # 4) Add to the forbidden commands below if you want. @forbidden = qw(LOGFORMAT APACHELOGFORMAT DEFAULTLOGFORMAT APACHEDEFAULTLOGFORMAT HEADERFILE FOOTERFILE UNCOMPRESS OUTFILE CACHEOUTFILE LOCALCHARTDIR ERRFILE DNS CGI SETTINGS PROGRESSFREQ LANGFILE DESCFILE); # Forbidden commands: sysadmin can add more (must be in upper case!) # Other commands you might consider adding, because they allow users to # specify which files to use for the analysis, are LOGFILE and DOMAINSFILE. # If you add a command, you must also add any aliases it possesses. # There is a discussion of all this in docs/form.html. @allowed = qw(); # Allowed commands. If there are _any_ commands listed here, then _only_ # commands which are in @allowed, and not in @forbidden, can be used. require 5.001; use CGI; # 1) INITIALISATION # delete all dangerous environment variables $ENV{PATH} = ''; # blank, not deleted, so that UNCOMPRESS doesn't get a path delete @ENV{qw/IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV/}; $query = new CGI; $|=1; $lt = localtime; $progname = $0 || 'anlgform.pl'; if (($^O =~ /win32/i || $^O =~ /^win/i) && Win32::GetShortPathName($analog)) { $analog = Win32::GetShortPathName($analog); } # coerce query keys to caps in a new (key, pointer to array) hash called args # also remember the order the keys arrived in, as far as possible foreach $p ($query->param) { foreach $a ($query->param($p)) { checkchars($a); push(@order, "\U$p") unless ($args{"\U$p"}); push(@{$args{"\U$p"}}, $a); } } # check LOGFILE and CACHEFILE only contain safe chars (see comments below) checkfilechars("LOGFILE"); checkfilechars("CACHEFILE"); # 2) OPEN THE ANALOG PROCESS # qv=1 causes args to go straight to stdout, not program if (${$args{'QV'}}[-1] && !forbidden('QV')) { print "Content-Type: text/plain\n\n"; open(ANALOG, ">-"); } elsif (!$analog) { badreq(500, "Program Incorrectly Configured", "Can't run analog because anlgform.pl not set up properly.\n", "See the server's error log for more details."); print STDERR "[$lt] $progname: Can't run analog because the variable \$analog was not set: read the setup instructions!\n"; die; } elsif (!(-x $analog)) { badreq(500, "Program Incorrectly Configured", "Can't run analog.", "See the server's error log for more details."); print STDERR "[$lt] $progname: Can't run analog because \"$analog\" not found or not executable"; print STDERR ": $!" if ($!); print STDERR ".\n"; die; } else { open (ANALOG, "|$analog +g-"); # errors here will get caught on close } # 3) PRINT ALL THE COMMANDS # Special cases: must come first printargs('CG', 'CONFIGFILE') unless forbidden('CG'); # both 'CG' and 'CONFIGFILE' must be allowed for this to happen. print ANALOG "CGI ON\nDNS NONE\nWARNINGS FL\n"; printargs('WARNINGS'); printargs('LOGTIMEOFFSET'); foreach $k (@order) { printargs($k) unless($k eq 'QV' || $k eq 'CG' || $k eq 'CM' || $k =~ /FLOORB$/ || $k =~ /2$/ || $k =~ '^LOGTIMEOFFSET' || $k =~ '^WARNINGS' || # commands dealt with elsewhere $k =~ /[^A-Z12]/ || $k eq '' || $k =~ /^IGNORE/); # other stuff not wanted } # Special cases: must come last print ANALOG "DEBUG -C\n"; printargs('CM', 'CONFIGFILE') unless forbidden('CM'); # again, both 'CM' and 'CONFIGFILE' must be allowed for this to happen. print ANALOG "OUTFILE stdout\n"; # 4) WAIT FOR PROCESS TO FINISH. THAT'S IT. unless (close(ANALOG)) { badreq(500, "Program Failure", "Analog failed to run or returned an error code.", "Maybe your server's error log will give a clue why."); print STDERR "[$lt] $progname: \"$analog\" failed to run or returned an error code"; print STDERR ": $!" if ($!); print STDERR ".\n"; die; } ### SUBROUTINES # A) IS A GIVEN COMMAND FORBIDDEN? sub forbidden { return (grep($_[0] eq $_, @forbidden) || (@allowed && !grep($_[0] eq $_, @allowed))); } # B) PRINT ONE COMMAND sub printargs { my($is_floora) = 0; my($is_12) = 0; my($name) = $_[1] || $_[0]; if ($name =~ /FLOORA$/) { chop($name); $is_floora = 1; } elsif ($name =~ /1$/) { chop($name); $is_12 = 1; } return if forbidden($name); if ($is_floora) { $a = ${$args{$name . 'A'}}[-1]; # last "FLOORA=$a" form arg specified $b = ${$args{$name . 'B'}}[-1]; print ANALOG ("$name $a$b\n") if ($b ne '' && $b !~ /\\$/); # could bracket $a$b, but no help because any special character in a # FLOOR command is junk anyway. } elsif ($is_12) { $a = ${$args{$name . '1'}}[-1]; $b = ${$args{$name . '2'}}[-1]; print ANALOG ("$name ", bracket($a), " ", bracket($b), "\n") if ($b ne ''); } else { foreach $a (@{$args{$_[0]}}) { # run through all "NAME=$a" form args if ($a ne '') { print ANALOG ("$name ", bracket($a), "\n"); print ANALOG ("DNS READ\n") if ($name eq 'DNSFILE'); } } } } # C) PUT APPROPRIATE DELIMITERS ROUND AN ARGUMENT CONTAINING SPACES sub bracket { local $_ = $_[0]; return $_ unless (/[\s\#]/ || /^['"\(]/ || /\\$/); return "\"$_\"" unless (/"/); return "'$_'" unless (/'/); return "($_)"; # analog has no syntax if string contains ) as well as space, ' and " } # D) CHECK ONLY SAFE CHARACTERS in LOGFILEs and CACHEFILEs. See docs/form.html. sub checkfilechars { local ($_); foreach (@{$args{$_[0]}}, @{$args{$_[0] . '1'}}) { if (m([^\w\. /\\:\-\*\?]) || m(\B-|-\B)) { # i.e. contains a non-approved character, or a dash not # between \w's. NB \w includes underscore. badreq(403, "Illegal Request", "Unsafe characters in $_[0]."); printf STDERR "[$lt] $progname: Unsafe characters in \"$_[0] $_\" on request from %s\n", $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}?$ENV{REMOTE_HOST}:($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}?$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}:"unknown host"); die; } } } # E) CHECK NO UNSAFE CHARACTERS IN OTHER COMMANDS. Again, see docs/form.html. sub checkchars { local $_ = $_[0]; if (/[\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F]/) { printf STDERR "[$lt] $progname: Unsafe characters in \"\U$p\E $_\" on request from %s\n", $ENV{REMOTE_HOST}?$ENV{REMOTE_HOST}:($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}?$ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}:"unknown host"); # Translate dangerous characters to avoid cross-site scripting $p =~ s/&/&/; $p =~ s/</</; $p =~ s/>/>/; $p =~ s/"/"/; badreq(403, "Illegal Request", "Unsafe characters in \U$p."); die; } } # F) PRINT OUT ERROR MESSAGE sub badreq { my($i); print "Content-Type: text/html\n"; print "Status: $_[0] $_[1]\n\n"; print '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">'; print "\n<html><head><title>$_[0] $_[1]</title></head>\n"; print "<body><h1>$_[1]</h1>\n"; for ($i = 2; defined($_[$i]); $i++) { print "<br>" if ($i >= 3); print "$_[$i]\n"; } print "</body></html>\n"; }